Opinionated MAMA Hosts Tribute to Mommy Bloggers
The clicking of keyboards across Orange County was slightly diminished for a brief time last Wednesday as several of OC’s most prominent Mommy Bloggers were treated to a morning of pampering, taste-testing and good old-fashioned girl talk at the home of Opinionated MAMA founder Michelle Tingler.
Michelle Tingler and Debbie Devine hosted the first O-MAMA Tribute to Mommy Bloggers to bring together many of the women who share their lives, loves, passions and exploits online in celebration of their efforts as well as the recent addition of Opinionated MAMA to the OC Family magazine network of bloggers. Attendees included Sugar Jones of SugarJones.tv, Michelle Whitaker of OC Play Parks, Vintage Mama’s Lydia Poblano, Sondra LaBrie of Happy Healthy Hip Parenting and Priscilla Willis of Top Mom Blog among others.
“O-MAMA supports all moms in the hard work of raising happy, healthy, well-adjusted future citizens,” says founder Michelle Tingler. “And in our opinion, every hard-working mom deserves a little break once in a while!”
Those in attendance were treated to manicures and pedicures by Spa-Go, pilates instruction by Stephanie Hiltzman of Body Design in Newport Beach and delicious mock-tails and kid-friendly cuisine tips from celebrity chef Wade Williams of Picnic LA. All the while, many of the ladies were accompanied by their children who spent their morning doing arts and crafts, bouncing away in the bounce house and getting their faces painted by Faces by Derrick.
Click here to see and download additional event photos:
Also, see what some of the ladies who attended had to say about it!
EXTRA, EXTRA!! O-MAMA Hits in the Chicago Tribune and Oprah Radio's Dr. Laura Berman Show
Opinionated MAMA founders Michelle Tingler and Debbie Devine recently travelled to Chicago where they did two GREAT interviews to spread the O-MAMA's message of empowering America's moms and giving them a voice in our country's most important conversations.
First, they were interviewed by Heidi Stevens of the Chicago Tribune - an O-MAMA for sure!! - who wrote this fantastic story!! http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/family/sc-fam-0520-omama-web-site-20100520,0,4755394,full.story
We loved her idea of "swapping" headlines!!

Now that's a great road trip!! Great job O-MAMA's!!!
Opinionated MAMA Offers American-Made Clothing, Gifts and Accessories in Their New Online Store
San Clemente, CA – O-MAMA.com - short for Opinionated MAMA - is proud to announce the opening of the new O-MAMA Online Store (http://www.o-mama.com/store/) offering apparel, gifts and accessories for opinionated mamas and their families. O-MAMA.com, an online resource for America’s moms featuring current news and events from a mom’s perspective, has made a commitment to “talk the talk” and “walk the walk” by featuring only products made in the U. S. A., because CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME!
“We are so excited to launch our O-MAMA Online Store for those moms who want to show and share their commitment to the O-MAMA mission and support US workers and businesses with our line of exclusively American-made O-MAMA products,” says O-MAMA founder Michelle Tingler. “Sure, it would have been cheaper to buy all our items from China, but Opinionated MAMA is ‘putting our money where our mouth is.’ We want to keep jobs here in America for our family, friends, and neighbors.” In addition to product descriptions and pricing, the store also lists the city and state where each product is made.
San Clemente, CA – O-MAMA.com - short for Opinionated MAMA - is proud to announce the opening of the new O-MAMA Online Store (http://www.o-mama.com/store/) offering apparel, gifts and accessories for opinionated mamas and their families. O-MAMA.com, an online resource for America’s moms featuring current news and events from a mom’s perspective, has made a commitment to “talk the talk” and “walk the walk” by featuring only products made in the U. S. A., because CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME!
“We are so excited to launch our O-MAMA Online Store for those moms who want to show and share their commitment to the O-MAMA mission and support US workers and businesses with our line of exclusively American-made O-MAMA products,” says O-MAMA founder Michelle Tingler. “Sure, it would have been cheaper to buy all our items from China, but Opinionated MAMA is ‘putting our money where our mouth is.’ We want to keep jobs here in America for our family, friends, and neighbors.” In addition to product descriptions and pricing, the store also lists the city and state where each product is made.
O-Mama Hosts Inaugural House Party - Three Easy Tips To Setting The Stage
This last Saturday night we went to the Inaugural House Party for O-Mama. The party was such a success and so much fun that we decided to tell you about it in a few posts so you could get the full picture and get some ideas of your own so you can host your own O-Mama House Party.
Must-Have O-MAMA House Party Decor and Food:
#1 - Fun Cocktails - Red Martinis for Republicans and Blue Martinis for Democrats (make note of the cute colored sugar for the rim of the glasses!)
#2 Make A Statement With Your Dessert Bar - This dessert bar by Meringue Bake Shop was to die for! I love the mini cupcakes with the O-Mama Logo. An added bonus to the table of treats -- it made the party not only taste like heaven but it also smelled like it!
#3 - Have Conversation Starters - I loved the idea of hanging conversation starters from balloons. So clever.
Another easy way to start a conversation is put a bunch of topics in a bowl like this:
Stay tuned for party pictures and other fun ideas!
San Clemente, CA – While Americans are still debating the solution to mounting healthcare costs and rising numbers of uninsured, moms on O-MAMA.com, short for Opinionated Mama, are socializing healthcare through social media.
“As women and mothers, our first priority is the health and well-being of our families and we are thrilled to witness mothers coming together to share their questions, fears, discoveries and generations of knowledge about women’s health on our website,” says O-MAMA.com founder Michelle Tingler
Inside the O-MAMA chat rooms moms have been discussing and sharing insight and info on everything from flu shots and the HPV Virus to breast cancer. One user states, “…over the last few years, my husband and I have been getting our information from sites and books and sadly, you will never hear or see this information on regular mainstream media…”
San Clemente, CA – While Americans are still debating the solution to mounting healthcare costs and rising numbers of uninsured, moms on O-MAMA.com, short for Opinionated Mama, are socializing healthcare through social media.
“As women and mothers, our first priority is the health and well-being of our families and we are thrilled to witness mothers coming together to share their questions, fears, discoveries and generations of knowledge about women’s health on our website,” says O-MAMA.com founder Michelle Tingler
Inside the O-MAMA chat rooms moms have been discussing and sharing insight and info on everything from flu shots and the HPV Virus to breast cancer. One user states, “…over the last few years, my husband and I have been getting our information from sites and books and sadly, you will never hear or see this information on regular mainstream media…”
TIPS/QUOTES FROM CHAT ROOMS: When it comes to your health, O-MAMAs say:
Tip #1 from moms – SHARE AND SHARE ALIKE – When it comes to information that is! It’s tough to keep up with the myriad of information being thrown at us about everything from vaccines to cancer, but when you do discover an important truth, share it with others. Whether this knowledge is gained from personal experience (my son/daughter had that last month) or the advice of an expert (my doctor told me…), we all benefit from communicating this information with other women and mothers in our community. You never know if you might help someone down the road.
“So here's the latest update on pap smears (just what you wanted on a Monday morning!): Latest guidelines are NO pap until 21 years old. None. Nothing. Nada.” (Tmama)
Tip #2 – TALK TO THE DOC – While some of our members are in fact physicians, the overwhelming consensus is that regardless of what reports you read or what your friends (or fellow O-MAMA’s) say, ultimately you have to take what you’ve learned and talk to your doctor. And if you aren’t satisfied with the answer… get a second opinion.
“I am printing out this discussion thread and taking it to the pediatrician...I am going to take O-MAMAs advice and "talk to my doc" about it...I think we all should go in armed with info and ask questions. Thanks for all the info. You go girls!” (Tiredmama)
Tip #3 – AN APPLE A DAY – Another age old adage that holds true today. Moms know that a healthy diet is the key to overall health, but as many O-MAMAs and doctors have stated, a healthy diet can also be the key to preventing and curing cancer, diabetes, heart disease and many of the other diseases that are virtual epidemics in our society today.
“Whole foods are our best friend and nature gave us many cures that many people just don't know about. And ladies, you may want to change your deodorant and switch to one that is aluminum-free. I have more to say, but, I think I'll share as I go :) Take care!! (Tuskismom)
O-MAMA invites you to share your opinions:
O-MAMA says: “Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say”. O-MAMA.com, short for Opinionated Mom, is a new online resource for news and events from a mom’s perspective.
Founder, Michelle Tingler says, “We believe ‘Opinionated Mamas’ can be a constructive voice in sorting out the social and political issues of our time and that together, with a little humor and a lot of common sense, America's moms can get to the heart of the issues that matter most to our kids and our country. Most importantly, moms need to know how to communicate these issues to our kids, so that the lessons we are conveying stick with them as they grow, so they will be happy, healthy, well-adjusted citizens. We need to make sure CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME."
Here are O-MAMA’s founders, Michelle Tingler and Debbie Devine, top 10 tips to effectively communicate with your kids:
Communication is key in any relationship, but it has to be really straight-forward, clear and consistent when you are talking to your kids. So, "say what you mean." Think about what you want them to DO, and then express it clearly, simply and concisely. Otherwise, they tune out and hear wah, wah, wah. When dealing with kids, it’s best to just lay it out there and not leave it up to interpretation. No beating around the bush. No hemming and hawing.
Make sure you and your child are physically on the same level, so everyone is eye to eye when speaking. Otherwise, they'll get distracted looking at your zipper! Also, eyeball to eyeball says you mean business and you can be sure they've gotten the message.
Speak slowly enough for them to be able to take in what you are saying. When you are finished, ask them if they’ve understood what has been said. If they are unclear, ask them to explain what they think you said...it's kind of like the game telephone...try not to laugh!
Take into consideration their point of view. Everyone has their unique perspective on any given subject and kids are no different. They might have an interesting insight into how they perceive the issue, how they felt at the time or what might work for them next time in terms of keeping themselves in line. Their solution might be totally off base, or might have some merit. At least be open to hearing their side because it will empower them to communicate better...and that might even encourage them to behave better.
Give them a chance to acknowledge the message. It makes children and adults alike feel good to be heard, and a simple acknowledgement like “I understand what you said” or even an “I heard you, but I disagree” helps further communication.
When stating an opinion on an issue, or explaining why something could be harmful be prepared to back it up, especially when dealing with teenagers. Do your homework. Know the subject in and out. Have some examples to throw out...fancy stats are good, but pictures are worth a thousand words! (i.e., when talking about the importance of safe driving, show them a picture of a car wreck). Earn respect by demonstrating that consideration has been given as to why this is a “big deal.”
“Mean what you say.” Do not make idol threats. When outlining consequences to a behavior, make sure they are realistic and be prepared to follow through. Consistency is key. If the follow through is wishy washy, it will not be credible.
Good communication requires both parties, regardless of age...pecking order...relationship, using and demonstrating common sense and mutual respect. “Do as I say and not as I do,” does not get the job done with kids. Be prepared to talk the talk and walk the walk.
Remember, you don’t have to be their friend, they don’t have to always like us, they just need to know we love them all the time, and sometimes that means saying "NO!” Sometimes saying no can be the most loving thing you can do.
Go with your gut. No one knows your kids like you do. You know what’s in their best interest, so be confident in what and how you communicate.
To see Michelle and Debbie in action, click here to view their latest video:
Founder, Michelle Tingler says, “We believe ‘Opinionated Mamas’ can be a constructive voice in sorting out the social and political issues of our time and that together, with a little humor and a lot of common sense, America's moms can get to the heart of the issues that matter most to our kids and our country. Most importantly, moms need to know how to communicate these issues to our kids, so that the lessons we are conveying stick with them as they grow, so they will be happy, healthy, well-adjusted citizens. We need to make sure CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME."
Here are O-MAMA’s founders, Michelle Tingler and Debbie Devine, top 10 tips to effectively communicate with your kids:
Communication is key in any relationship, but it has to be really straight-forward, clear and consistent when you are talking to your kids. So, "say what you mean." Think about what you want them to DO, and then express it clearly, simply and concisely. Otherwise, they tune out and hear wah, wah, wah. When dealing with kids, it’s best to just lay it out there and not leave it up to interpretation. No beating around the bush. No hemming and hawing.
Make sure you and your child are physically on the same level, so everyone is eye to eye when speaking. Otherwise, they'll get distracted looking at your zipper! Also, eyeball to eyeball says you mean business and you can be sure they've gotten the message.
Speak slowly enough for them to be able to take in what you are saying. When you are finished, ask them if they’ve understood what has been said. If they are unclear, ask them to explain what they think you said...it's kind of like the game telephone...try not to laugh!
Take into consideration their point of view. Everyone has their unique perspective on any given subject and kids are no different. They might have an interesting insight into how they perceive the issue, how they felt at the time or what might work for them next time in terms of keeping themselves in line. Their solution might be totally off base, or might have some merit. At least be open to hearing their side because it will empower them to communicate better...and that might even encourage them to behave better.
Give them a chance to acknowledge the message. It makes children and adults alike feel good to be heard, and a simple acknowledgement like “I understand what you said” or even an “I heard you, but I disagree” helps further communication.
When stating an opinion on an issue, or explaining why something could be harmful be prepared to back it up, especially when dealing with teenagers. Do your homework. Know the subject in and out. Have some examples to throw out...fancy stats are good, but pictures are worth a thousand words! (i.e., when talking about the importance of safe driving, show them a picture of a car wreck). Earn respect by demonstrating that consideration has been given as to why this is a “big deal.”
“Mean what you say.” Do not make idol threats. When outlining consequences to a behavior, make sure they are realistic and be prepared to follow through. Consistency is key. If the follow through is wishy washy, it will not be credible.
Good communication requires both parties, regardless of age...pecking order...relationship, using and demonstrating common sense and mutual respect. “Do as I say and not as I do,” does not get the job done with kids. Be prepared to talk the talk and walk the walk.
Remember, you don’t have to be their friend, they don’t have to always like us, they just need to know we love them all the time, and sometimes that means saying "NO!” Sometimes saying no can be the most loving thing you can do.
Go with your gut. No one knows your kids like you do. You know what’s in their best interest, so be confident in what and how you communicate.
To see Michelle and Debbie in action, click here to view their latest video:
You've Heard from Celebrities, Politicians, Pundits. Now Hear From O-Mama (Opinionated Mama)
Meet Michelle Tingler, a Democrat and former advertising executive, and Debbie Devine, a Republican and former journalist, good friends and busy moms who were inspired by their real-life “kitchen table talk” to create an online resource for news and events from a mom's perspective. http://www.o-mama.com/ (Opinionated MAMA) is a new website that engages moms in the bigger issues by making them relevant to their daily lives and empowers moms to be a constructive voice in our nation’s most important conversations. Founded on the ideal that with little humor and a lot of common sense, America’s moms get to the heart of the issues that matter most to our kids, our families, our communities and our country.
To see Michelle and Debbie in action, click here to view their latest video:
About O-MAMA’s Democratic Voice: Michelle Tingler
Michelle grew up in Rochester Hills, MI, raised by a single father. A graduate of the University of Michigan and former VP, Management Supervisor at Dailey & Associates Advertising in Los Angeles, CA. She left her advertising career when her first child was born in 1999. However, her professional skills overlapped into her role as a mother - every birthday party was approached like an integrated marketing campaign; every holiday assigned an innovative theme with broad family appeal.
Happily married for 13 years, Michelle has been a busy, engaged, stay-at-home mom of three kids, a dog and a tortoise for nine of them. Michelle became engaged in political issues during the 2008 Presidential campaign and, again, merged her learned skills in both advertising and motherhood with her new passion – politics. The idea for O-MAMA was born.
About O-MAMA’s Republican Voice: Debbie Devine
Nothing is ordinary about this Southern California Republican. She grew up in Corona del Mar, CA, graduated from the University of Southern California and was raised by parents who are still married after 45 years. Typical. Debbie studied abroad, became fluent in Spanish and spent her career years working for Telemundo, CNN en Español and CNN International where she helped launch television programs and networks in Spain, Mexico and Turkey. Surprise!
Finally, motherhood took precedence and Deb traded in her international globe-trotting career for a second one teaching Spanish. She owns and operates a student travel business that takes middle school and high school students to Latin America to help them become global citizens. Her goal is to get kids “out of the bubble” of the United States, use their language skills and do community service projects.
Debbie is a divorced mother of 2 great kids and a dog. Her enthusiasm for motherhood, teaching, travel and news is infectious. O-MAMA integrates of all of her experiences and interests.
O-MAMA (Opinionated MAMA) seeks to engage and empower moms to become a constructive voice in our country’s most important conversations because CHANGE BEGINS AT HOME. A new outlet for America’s Moms, O-MAMA.com, is an online resource for current news and events from a mom’s perspective. Focusing on the social and political issues of our time, the website features news and events, chat rooms, to-do lists and more to help moms raise the next generation of happy, healthy, future citizens of our country. O-MAMA supports all moms in the hard work of raising kids.
Registration is free and every O-MAMA’s opinion counts.
Lauren Townsend/Allison Olmstead
TO Media Co.
O-Mama Featured on Your Family Today
This year, I feel like it is a double wammy - a slow economy mixed with the kids endless "I want that!". So articles like the one from Sarah Mahoney on http://www.yourfamilytoday.com/ titled "Raise A Smart Spender" is just what I needed.
Michelle Tinger from http://www.o-mama.com/ (Opinionated Mama) was featured in the article with her tip:
5. Be giving, from start to finish.
Toy drives are great but impersonal. So, Michelle Tingler, founder of the Web site O-mama takes her kids -- ages 10, 7 and 3 -- to the Angel Tree near their home in San Clemente, Calif., where they each pick a wish left by needy children. “Last year, one girl asked for a pair of black Converse shoes for her brother, another child asked for socks and one for school supplies,” she says. “My kids were like, ‘They don’t have pencils?’ And I got to say, ‘That’s right, they don’t have a lot of things.’” Tingler and her kids decide how much to spend on granting these wishes, and then they shop together.
Thanks, Sarah!
Michelle Tinger from http://www.o-mama.com/ (Opinionated Mama) was featured in the article with her tip:
5. Be giving, from start to finish.
Toy drives are great but impersonal. So, Michelle Tingler, founder of the Web site O-mama takes her kids -- ages 10, 7 and 3 -- to the Angel Tree near their home in San Clemente, Calif., where they each pick a wish left by needy children. “Last year, one girl asked for a pair of black Converse shoes for her brother, another child asked for socks and one for school supplies,” she says. “My kids were like, ‘They don’t have pencils?’ And I got to say, ‘That’s right, they don’t have a lot of things.’” Tingler and her kids decide how much to spend on granting these wishes, and then they shop together.
Thanks, Sarah!