Thanks, My Favorite Everything for writing about The Cove's One Year Anniversary Party! We can't wait for the party this Friday. The Cove is one of our "favorites" too!
I love My Favorite Everything + The Viceroy!
Some bloggers have all the luck!
My Favorite Everything was invited to the Viceroy in Palm Springs to try out a moms getaway and stay package with several other super popular bloggers.
Well My Favorite Everything's luck became my lucky day. I got to go with Shanna to indulge in the great food, ambiance and spa treatment. It was nothing short of fabulous.
Coolest House On The Block
My Favorite Everything is a great blog about the favorite things of a busy gal-on-the-go who knows how to get things done.
Her latest blog featured the favorite things of Kellie Swaim of Bravo Sports and her list of must-have toys and products to make your house the coolest on the block.
Among the items featured, my own personal favorites are the trampoline (really, what kid doesn't like to jump!?) and the Quik Shade cabana (talk about instant gratification!)
My Favorite Everything Says California Blooms Are 'The Most Beautiful Roses"
Halsea Featured in Splendicity + My Favorite Everything!
Halsea, our favorite beach-chic travel bag company, was just featured on two great sites - My Favorite Everything and Splendicity.
My Favorite Everything Features Casey Cochran's Barefoot Marathon Quest
If you live in Orange County, you might have seen Casey Cochran, founder of the Green Guide Network, running PCH barefoot anywhere between Huntington and Laguna Beach. His training for the upcoming Santa Barbara Marathon has him running like mad, having logged over 100 miles in three different states.
His goal to run a barefoot marathon is part of his quest to raise $5000 and/or put a 1000 pairs of shoes on kids in need worldwide through TOMS. If you want to donate money or buy a pair of TOMS shoes for yourself, they will give a pair to a child in need, go to to get the link so Casey gets credit towards his goal.
For a fun take on Casey's adventure you've got to see My Favorite Everything, a new blog to make busy lives brighter.
My Favorite Everything Reviews "Look Who Is Coming..." By Vazu Kids
You can read why Shanna Coady, the expert on favorite things to make your busy life brighter, loves this book. The review comes with amazing photos of how easy it is to insert your photos into the book, making it interactive for your children.