When I got an email from my good friend Ali Sunday afternoon, I couldn't believe my luck. How could I possibly say "No" to an invitation to Barbie's -- yes, the 9 in. tall plastic doll's -- 50th Birthday Bash at the real-life Malibu Dream House designed by Jonathan Adler. I surprised even myself when I realized how much I wanted to go!! I remember owning a few Barbies as a little girl, the jacuzzi, the corvette and of course Barbie and The Rockers were definitely part of my Saturday Morning line-up for a few years, but even so I completely underestimated the totally girly, totally giddy reaction I had when we pulled up only to see

the Diamond Encrusted Barbie Pink VW Convertible parked at the head of the "pink" carpet...and that was just the beginning.

I have to give a big CONGRATULATIONS to the entire team at Mattel along with all of their partners, sponsors, staff, etc. for their amazing efforts. Not only was Barbie's 50th Anniversary a truly global event, but the party last night, produced by Colin Cowie & Co. was impeccably planned and no detail was overlooked. From the cocktail tables full of Barbie sunglasses to the signature coktails served with cocktail napkins sporting such clever Barbie quips as "A Plastic Tan Never Fades" to the astonishingly fabulous and dead-on decor created by Jonathan Adler and rockin jams from DJ AM, it was an incredible night.
Of course this all paled in comparison to the creation of every girl's ultimate dream -- a closet full of signature pink matching Christian Louboutin stilettos. Are you kidding me?!?!

After last night, I have a whole new respect for Barbie as a true icon of American culture - she's been a fashion model, a doctor, an astronaut and everything in between and has done it all with class and style. In her immortal words... "Fashion Icons come and go...well some go." I HEART BARBIE!! Happy 50th to a true class act.